What is a sale without legal warranty of quality and risk of the buyer?
Published on 09/01/2014
This is a sentence that buyers regularly see on property sheets, and that can frighten buyers who may not be familiar with real estate jargon.
A home can be sold "without legal warranty of quality and at the risk of the buyer" because it is an estate sale, repossession, or because the owner has never occupied it. Therefore, while it is always better to buy with a legal warranty, buying without one does not automatically mean that a house has problems. It does, however, mean that the purchaser waives the right to later sue the seller for hidden defects in the property.
A home can be sold "without legal warranty of quality and at the risk of the buyer" because it is an estate sale, repossession, or because the owner has never occupied it. Therefore, while it is always better to buy with a legal warranty, buying without one does not automatically mean that a house has problems. It does, however, mean that the purchaser waives the right to later sue the seller for hidden defects in the property.