Magnifique copropriété indivise au dernier étage dans le sud ouest. Beau cachet avec murs de briques moulures et vitraux. Appartement très lumineux avec ses 2 puits de lumière. 2 balcons avant et arrière dont un aménagé et intime. Une grande chambre dans
Dimensions | |
Building depth | 0 |
Living area | 982 PC |
Ground facade | 23 |
Field depth | 90 |
Field area | 0 |
Fees and taxes | Monthly | Yearly |
Municipal tax | $ 0 | $ 0 |
School tax | $ 0 | $ 0 |
Condo fees | $ 0 | $ 0 |
Total | $ 0 | $ 0 |
Municipal assessment | |
Year | 0 |
Ground | $ 0 |
Building | $ 0 |
Total |
Expenditure / Energies | Monthly | Yearly |
Electricity | $ 0 | $ 0 |
Water | $ 0 | $ 0 |
Total | $ 0 | $ 0 |
Heating system | Electric baseboard units |
Water supply | Municipality |
Heating energy | Electricity |
Equipment available | Wall-mounted air conditioning |
Windows | PVC |
Siding | Brick, Stone |
Proximity | Highway, Cegep, Daycare centre, Hospital, Park - green area, Bicycle path, Elementary school, High school, Public transport |
Bathroom / Washroom | Seperate shower |
Parking | Vignette |
Sewage system | Municipal sewer |
Window type | Crank handle |
Roofing | Elastomer membrane |
Zoning | Residential |
Room | Hallway |
Level | 3 |
Dimensions | 8.1x3.2 P |
Floor | Ceramic tiles |
Room | Other |
Level | 3 |
Dimensions | 9.4x8.8 P |
Floor | Wood |
Room | Living room |
Level | 3 |
Dimensions | 13.11x11.10 P |
Floor | Wood |
Room | Dining room |
Level | 3 |
Dimensions | 11.6x11.0 P |
Floor | Wood |
Room | Kitchen |
Level | 3 |
Dimensions | 11.7x10.11 P |
Floor | Ceramic tiles |
Room | Primary bedroom |
Level | 3 |
Dimensions | 19.10x10.0 P |
Floor | Wood |
Room | Home office |
Level | 3 |
Dimensions | 8.10x9.4 P |
Floor | Wood |
Room | Bathroom |
Level | 3 |
Dimensions | 7.6x7.3 P |
Floor | Ceramic tiles |
La laveuse et sécheuse superposé se retrouve dans la |
The stacked washer and dryer are located in the kitchen. |
cuisine. |
Please note that measurements are approximate. We are |
à noter que les mesures sont approximative. Nous sommes en |
currently awaiting a new certificate of location. |
attente d'un nouveau certificat de localisation. Il n'y a |
There are no condo fees or contingency fund. The |
pas de frais de condos et de fond de prévoyance. La |
co-ownership held its first meeting in 2024, so no assembly |
copropriété s'est réunis pour la première fois en 2024 donc |
minutes are available prior to that year. |
aucune minutes d'assemblé avant 2024. |
Les frais de taxes scolaires et municipales sont de 33% de |
Undivided co-ownership, therefore a 20% down payment is |
required, with financing through Caisse Desjardins |
la factures totale de 6917$ par année x 33% de la cote part |
Charles-Lemoyne. |
= 2282,61$ |
Copropriété indivise donc 20% de mise de fonds obligatoire |
The municipal and school taxes amount to 33% of the total |
avec un financement a la Caisse Desjardins Charles-Lemoyne. |
bill of $6,917 per year, which equals $2,282.61 based on |
the share percentage. |
Lien pour visite virtuel: |
Virtual tour link: |
https://www.tourbuzz.net/public/vtour/display/2303686?a=1&pw |
https://www.tourbuzz.net/public/vtour/display/2303686?a=1&pw |
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